Here’s the Face Filter
FACE was build to make every average selfie look extraordinary.
..or at least passable.
Note that this filter isn’t for gloriously lit beautiful window selfies – that’s a separate one coming in future weeks. FACE’s highlights are too bright for it to work well with window lighting, it’ll make hair too light, etc.
Where FACE thrives is with your average selfie. You were in a restaurant or bar with your friends, you were taking a picture in front of your favorite tourist landmark and the light was facing the wrong direction. Literally 90% of the pictures you take, this filter can save.
For best use cases and tips and tricks for applying it, check out the video tutorial below:
If seeing these filters in action doesn’t get you excited for your new filter superpowers, I don’t know what will. Welcome to LANDER Looks. Enjoy your glorious new nicely-edited selfie collection. See you on the ‘gram.
Oh, and like I said, make sure to use #FreeFilterWeek if you’d like to us to shout you out on the Lander instagram 🙂
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