Say “Bon Appétit” To Learn More About Supper Time
Yes, you must say “Bon Appétit out loud in your best french accent for the form to work. Rest assured, we will gently hand-wash your email address thrice daily (more often than we wash our hands!) and it shall remain unshared and spam free! You can unsubscribe at any time. If a form has not appeared by now as you read this, please refresh the page, try another browser, or type in “” on a friends phone immediately and have them join too.
Say “Bon Appétit” To Learn More About Supper Time
Yes, you must say “Bon Appétit out loud in your best french accent for the form to work. Rest assured, we will gently hand-wash your email address thrice daily (more often than we wash our hands!) and it shall remain unshared and spam free! You can unsubscribe at any time. If a form has not appeared by now as you read this, please refresh the page, try another browser, or type in “” on a friends phone immediately and have them join too.